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From Marcotte Lab
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Welcome to the Marcotte Lab

Feel free to explore the website, and don't hesitate to contact us with questions/comments. - Members of the Marcotte Lab :-)


Our group studies the large-scale organization of proteins, essentially trying to reconstruct the 'wiring diagrams' of cells by learning how all of the proteins encoded by a genome are associated into functional pathways, systems, and networks. Such models let us better define the functions of genes, and to link genes to traits and diseases. See more on the Research page.


See the People page for individual contact info.

  • Physical location : MBB 3.128/3.148 Where is MBB?
  • Address for Correspondence:
Edward Marcotte
2500 Speedway, MBB 3.148BA
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, Texas 78712
  • Phone: 512-232-3919 (General Lab Phone)
  • Fax: 512-232-3472
  • Campus Mail Code: A4800

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